Friday, September 07, 2007


I've solved my plot problem and have turned in all four reading passages that were due this week. Now I've got four more passages on the docket, so forgive me if I don't blog much in the next week or so. I need to stay in good graces with my boss by meeting my deadlines.

On a different note, my dear husband has finally bought me a new oven. It's been seven months since the panel on the oven broke, resulting in some guesswork about how hot the oven is. Also, every time we turned the oven off, it would beep incessantly until we pressed the off button about a dozen more times over the next few minutes. I'll be mighty happy to see that Sears truck come September 25. Kevin also splurged for a new microwave, dishwasher, and high-efficiency Cabrio washer and dryer. Yippee! The new washing machine should cut my laundry time in half, and the updated dishwasher should eliminate by current need to pre-rinse everything. Plus we got a rebate from Sears, a rebate from Whirlpool, and we'll get a rebate from our local utility companies for having high-efficiency appliances. Oh, to enter to current century.

1 comment:

Bananas said...

oh I LUST after a new oven.