Wednesday, April 04, 2007

It's Not a Leg-Shaped Lamp, But Still...

I feel like the dad in The Christmas Story when he dances around the living room yelling, "I won I won I won!" Moments later the door knocks, a crate is delivered, and the ecstatic dad discovers his "major award" is a fra-jee-lay leg-shaped lamp.

Today I got a letter from my all-time favorite magazine, Games World of Puzzles, saying that I'd won a runner-up prize for one of their monthly contests. I get a Games T-shirt, which I will very proudly wear to the gym and the pool this summer.

(Yes, I know I'm a geek. And I also know that my buddy Paul will be one of the few who can appreciate my major award.)

1 comment:

soupablog said...

I also was a Games Magazine geek in junior high — it was the Bible of our gifted & talented classroom. :/

you rock.