Friday, July 14, 2006

Favorite Kid Quotes of Late

My kids are always cracking me up with their clever language usages, but I think Caelyn is the most creative. Here are some of her latest quotes:

"Sometimes I'm just melting with happiness!"

"When I get sick, it's like there's a volcano in my tummy that comes out my mouth." (Now there's a vivid picture.)

Then again, Kendra asks the most profound questions, such as:

"Can presidents come back to life?" and

"Why didn't God make all our fingers the same size?" and

"Can a shark's head come up through the toilet and bite me?"


Amy Soupiset said...

Okay, this picture goes along with your SAPD theme since your kids look like they are in jail! I love the quotes. I need to get some of Kate's down soon. I am so sorry to hear of all of your misfortunes of late. It sounds like you are in good spirits. I hope that things get a little easier for you soon.

Stephanie said...

Yes, Kendra, of COURSE a shark can come out of the toilet and bite you! What a silly question!